Today I turned 31, and last night I got to thinking about all the things I've learned and the 'Aha!' moments that have been had. At 31 I can honestly say, I'm really excited for the coming years. I think my mother said it best when she said 'it seems like you're really hitting your stride.' I know and embrace who and what I am. I'm not holding onto the fears and insecurities of the teenaged and 20 something Whit. I mean honestly you couldn't PAY me to go back to my 20s. So here are a few things I have learned and know now. 31 to be exact.
- Love yourself. Fiercely. No one else is obligated to.
- FOMO is stupid. If you try to be at every event with every person you will be emotionally and financially drained.
- Have a 5 minute face. If you get to this point in your life and don't have one, go to Sephora. They will help you.
- Have a go-to power look. Something that makes you feel pulled together and great. Have one for work, one for dates, and just one to have on tap.
- Find your tribe. Find those people who support you and love you and are there for you in valleys as well as the peaks.
- Know that not everyone wants you to win. Haters are real.
- Don't be a hater. When the people around you have successes, celebrate them. Don't be that girl.
- Make big moves in silence. See #6. Not everyone needs to know your goals and plans.
- Know how to write a resume. Seriously.
- Know how to conduct yourself on an interview. Be prepared, research the company, know your shiz.
- Be a WHOLE person. Stop expecting external things to fill the holes in your life. Not relationships, not friendships, not booze.
- Own your crap. If you mess up? Own in. Put you whole foot in your mouth? Own it.
- Be you. Don't concern yourself with the thoughts of others.
- Don't get carried away with #13. There are a lot of people in our generation that go a little too far with the IDGAF. At work? You should give AF. Your family? Definitely give several Fs.
- Stop complaining about how hard it is to be an adult.
- You will slowly become more and more like your mother. Accept it.
- Children repeat things. So watch yourself.
- No one is in love with their job everyday. Deal with it.
- If your job makes you miserable everyday, and when you're not at work, its time for a new one.
- Set up your 401k with a company match. NEVER TURN DOWN FREE MONEY!
- It's not cute to play dumb.
- Ask for the things you want. The worst that happens? They say no.
- Some friendships/relationships are not meant to last. Know when to cut the chord. It doesn't make you evil, it makes you smart.
- SELF CARE! You cannot function and love and care for others if you do not first take care of yourself.
- Find a hobby. No seriously. Find one. You like to read? Join a book club. Into yoga? Find a studio. Like art? Take classes at the museum.
- Not every trend is for every body. Dress for you.
- Don't let past mistakes haunt your entire life. Learn the lesson and keep it moving.
- Don't be afraid to take risks and make changes in your life. Great things can happen.
- Keep learning. All the time. Everyday.
- Love yourself. Fiercely.