So the last time I wrote about goals I laid these out:
Boomer will be attending Summer camp at her school this summer. It is a little more expensive than years past, but at least I won't be worrying about her getting bitten in the face by a dog like last year.
I'm giving my self a pass here. This is an ongoing work in progress, but I'm still working at it.
I bought a mirror instead. I got a great deal on a sale item at Crate & Barrel and I'm been really, really needing a full length mirror in my room. I'm totally ok with this fail.
I got sucked into The West Wing. Sorry not sorry
I've really been on a roll with this! However June comes with summer camp payments, and the delightful federal government informed me they will be increasing my student loan payments. I'll have to tweak my savings rate for the next half of the year.
Woot!!! I barely even felt it. I'll be increasing another % in August, with the final % for the match in October.
No reason. No excuse. I'm just not doing it.
June Goals:
- Read a Book - I need to climb out of the Netflix shaped whole I am in.
- Plant some flowers - My patio is shamefully bare.
- Augment my summer work wear - I have to walk outside a lot now. Its hot. I need clothes for that.
- Create some summer school work for Boomer to keep her sharp! No brain drain here!
I'm headed to Maryland today to see the second of 3 cuzzos graduate. 6+ hours in a car with Mommy and Boomer. Pray saints!
I'll be back with something new tomorrow, and a full weekend re-cap on Monday.