Good Lord I haven't done a link up in why not today!?
- The federal government decided to increase my student loan payments and my immediate knee jerk reaction was. Eff you all I'm never going to pay it back!!!! I mean I am going to pay it back, but now my whole monthly budget has to be re-tweaked. YAY ADULTING
- Boomer and I have had pizza and salad for dinner the past two nights.
- I haven't listened to, or watched Lemonade. I don't care who Becky is. Bey just wants ya'lls money. But at the same time, Hey #blackgirlmagic!
- Sometimes I am a petty chick. I don't know why, but its funny and I enjoy it and the Lord and I are working on it.
- I can't wait for this weekend, because I'm going to a party and there is an open bar.
- This may be the worst post I've ever written.....