I feel like 2015 just started. I know it's cliche to say that, but somehow since Boomer started school, its like years just fly by and I have no clue where the year went.
2015 was a banner year for us though. We finally, FINALLY moved into a two bedroom place. This was something I had wanted since I separated from JJ and I finally made it happen. I love our new place, and I'm working on decorating and making it a home. I also got a new job, which came with a promotion. I know that I have worked very hard since finishing school to establish myself in my industry, but to see it all come together they way it did this fall was...a blessing for sure.
Boomer continues to do well at school, and is now playing the trombone. Leave it to my daughter to pick a brass instrument that is bigger than she is. When she went in to be fitted, the gentleman doing the fittings was concerned that such a tiny person wouldn't be able to get a noise out of it. Well...she blew us all away. Literally. She's also involved in a program in school where she reads to kindergarteners. All her teachers have told me how great and patient she is with the younger kids. (Which makes me laugh because home girl has no patience for me!)
I read a post on The College Prepster this morning where she wrote about getting ready for 2016 and choosing a word. My word for 2016 is going to be adulting.
Adulting has become something my contemporaries talk about when commenting on how hard it is to be a grownup, or how incapable they are of doing it, or how they don't want to, etc.
Well, I reject this.
I'm 30. In 2016, I will be 31. I am an adult. Period. It is past time to own it and do what needs to be done no matter how difficult, how boring, how scary. Need to rollover a 401k into a Roth IRA? Ok I don't know how exactly, but big girl panties on, I will figure it out and do it. Need to furnish my apartment? Stop complaining that I don't know how to decorate, and get some books from the library, ask for help from people who can and get that shiz done!
2016. Adulting. Let's do it.

I'm totally with you on the whole adulting thing. And seriously...WHERE did 2015 go? I feel like it could still be mid-summer. The time needs to slow down!
Love this! That post from Maxie was really inspiring to me. This year is going to be awesome for you, I just know it!
i agree; i reject the whole "it's so hard, i can't do this, i don't know how" blahblahblah.....that's what being an adult is - you suck it up, you just do it because it has to be done. it's called LIFE>
hope 2016 is filled with joy, love and lots of awesomeness!!
Y'all crack me up? Adulting? Just do what you have to. Fall if you must and get back up and keep trucking. Maybe I sound like an old fart. Being a grown up is never easy so we all have to steel ourselves and move on. We all have to live with our choices. Can't change Ge the past, so keep on moving.
What a great 2015! Your daughter sounds awesome. I love that she plays the trombone!! Happy New Year to you guys!
Congrats on the new job and home! :)
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