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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Manic Monday : June 1, 2015.....Just Kidding It is Tuesday

*It was so's published on a Tuesday*

If someone says 'manic Monday' and you don't immediately start singing that Bangles song...then I don't know what I can do to help you.

It is an entirely manic Monday.

I'm moving in 9 days.

I haven't packed a thing.

I have no movers.

I will be out of town this weekend.

So basically...I'm so far behind the eight ball, I can't even see it.

I think I've been in some sort of denial regarding the move. I know it is happening, I've wanted it to happen, but at the same time I haven't. I like living across the street from my mother. I have gotten used to my place, and even though it is crazy small and I don't have my own room, I will miss it.

It was a wonderful cozy place, when Boomer and I needed it. It was MINE. Without any help from anyone. It was proof that I could do it all on my own. It was OURS. Boomer liked having a roomie. She knew that if she was scared she could just take a few steps and be in my bed for a cuddle. We could be silly and have underwear dance parties. We could finally get a kitty friend.

And so we have grown up in this place. Our little 3 person family. (Yes, Jack is a person.) This place served its purpose and while I am sad to see it go, and really, really, really sad to leave my fireplace, I am excited for new adventures. I'm excited to decorate. I am excited to sleep in an adult size bed. (QUEEN SIZE) I am excited for Boomer and I to each have our own space. She only needs to walk a few more steps for cuddles.

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know I don't do well with change. This is another big one. Boomer and I are nothing if not strong, resilient girls so I know we will be fine.

This post isn't going anywhere. Just my thoughts. Bear with me guys....the move will be over soon.