I can't believe that 4 years ago today I wrote my first post!
My blog back then....oh boy I wish I had screen caps. I know nothing about blog design so I had the most basic of basic templates and I just had no clue what I was doing.
That being said I still don't.
My current design was created by someone else, even though I read Sarah's tutorials I still can't make all my pictures the same size, and for a while there my bloggy was silent.
Blogging has been an amazing outlet over the past 4 years. I met some of the coolest ladies here in my own city that I am blessed to call my IRL friends. I've 'met' other equally cool ladies from across the country and globe. I've used this space to write about parenting, and the off the wall Sh*t Boomer Says. I've talked about my relationships with men, my family, and myself. I've even shared my favorite beauty tips and tricks...and there was a brief foray into fashion blogging. :shudder:
So happy 4 YEARS KGB!!!!!

Happy Blogiversary!!! So happy to have "met" you as a result of blogging!!! :)
Happy blogiversary!
I'm in a rut, but still sticking around for now.
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