This happened....
I was....
Ill advised.
Not well thought out.
A little ridiculous.
I wouldn't call it 'SHOCKING', like most news outlets though. Nor would I be calling for child services to check on this woman for child abuse. She securely fastened her new born to the seemingly fluffy train of her dress and then walked a flat, smooth, carpeted walkway. She wasn't walking down a cobblestone street.
I mean...if this is worthy of child services...then so is
Pretty sure the second image is a little more dangerous in fact. I's not like she danced her whole reception with the baby tied on there.
Basically. There are far more important things to talk about.
I mean...Kim Kardashian got married people!!!!

That's too funny, who would even think to put the baby on the train of a dress. . Too funny!
Wow, that's a new and unique concept! lol
lol im just afraid that it will start some sort of strange trend of adding your child into your dress.
How do you know she leave the baby on to do the Wobble at the reception? Hmmmm....
LOLLLL... good. lord.
LOL! Definitely one of the weirder ideas I've ever seen!
LoL! I saw this in my news feed on Facebook and thought the same thing. It really wasn't that bad, different but not as crazy assss, let's see, Michael Jackson holding his child over the side of a balcony.. And I love Michael Jackson lol.
I am going to have to agree with your take. I mean that picture below scared me even more, just imagining one of them dropping a kid!
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