I watched them with Boomer. Here are her thoughts.
Jared Leto
'Mommy, he has great hair!'
'Yes kiddo he does.'
'No, I mean, he looks like Jesus!'
*starts his acceptance speech*
'OMG MOM! He talks like Jesus too!'
Lupita Nyong'o
'Mommy, she looks like a princess!'
'Yes, she does doesn't she.'
'She looks Cinderella, but prettier!'
'You think so?'
'Yeah! She talks like....like she's important!'
Obviously I sent her to bed before the other big winners were announced, but I told her this morning.
'Well kiddo, 12 Years a Slave won for best picture, Cate Blanchett won best actress, and Matthew McConaughey won best actor!'
'Mom, can I see 12 Years a Slave?'
'No. Maybe when you're a little older.'
'Ok. Mimi said its an important story.'
'It is baby. I'll see if I can find something about the book ok?'
*quiet riding in the car*
'Hey mommy?'
'Yes sweetie?'
'Wasn't Matthew McCon...well whatever. Wasn't he in Magic Mike?'
'Uh...yeah he was. Why?'
'Oh no reason. Just wondering.'
There you have it. My child and her thoughts.
Also for all the Leo lovers, I'm looking at you Miss Ashten, I'm sorry. You have my condolences.
The rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Church, Crackerbarrel, some tweaks to my beauty routine, and a new to us TV. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Tomorrow is Beauty Talk!

haha to the magic mike comment! and I actually didn't watch the Oscars. I watched a little of the pre show to see some pretty dresses, but I didn't see any of the movies (so lazy this year) so I wasn't too into it.
I wanted Leo to win, just because he keeps getting shafted. Thats pretty magical (see what I did there?) that Boomer knew he was in Magic Mike. Good God, was that a shitty ass movie.
I'm SOOOO happy Jared leto won! SOOOO happy!
Boomer nailed Lupita! She is a freaking princess and GORGEOUS!
I watched only the part where Ellen had a pizza party, but I agree that Lupita looked like (and is) a princess!
I think she def needs her own blog lol
Awh this is too precious<3 I NEED to see 12 years a slave after last night's teasers.
I actually didn't watch the Oscars, but I have to say, I second Boomer's thoughts on Jared Leto :)
Boomer is so spot on. I think that E! should hire her for her commentary. :)
I didn't know Jesus had ombre! He was ahead of his time!!!! ahahah
Unfortunately I don't have a t.v. And didn't watch any of the awards but I've been loving all these blog Oscar recaps! Yours by far is my favorite tho for obvious reasons. Boomer is the most precious ever! Jared Leto totally looks like Jesus lol.
Still bitter about LEO's loss.
You know my thoughts on the Oscars. It's only the greatest night of the year!
Jared Leto is so pretty it hurts. Lupita is gorgeous, so deserving and gave the best speech.
And Matthew freaking McConaughey has an Oscar. A lot of people have just recently jumped on his bandwagon. I've always been there. Gosh, I just love him!
Just read through the other comments... Leo's time is coming. Even though I love Matthew and feel he was deserving, I wouldn't have been upset if Leo had won. He's fantastic in The Wolf of Wall Street.
Things Boomer Says should probably be a regular post around here. I obviously agree that Leto has the hair of a deity. You know me and men with locks. "And talks like Jesus, too!" Haaa, so much awesome.
Ha! Talks like Jesus.
I am new here but definitely agree with the comments that this should be a regular post!
If ever I doubted that Boomer was cooler than me, those thoughts have since been put to rest because she's seen Magic Mike and I haven't. This post is hilarious!
Hahahah he DOES look like Jesus. Like a super hot Jesus. With really shiny hair.
And Lupita is a princess and SO well spoken and UGH I want to see that movie. Have you seen it?
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