I think it was the hair challenge with Boomer that really got me back into using products, experimenting and wanting to write about it. Last week we talked all about combating the dry skin and hair brought on by the cold winter air. This week I'm reviewing a hair product.
I mean, I've got about 3ft worth. Might as well try out new stuff.
I picked this up in the beauty aisle of Kroger. I literally can't go down it without buying something.
What it says it does: Significantly increases moisturization, curl definition, shine and strength of your natural hair.
Verdict : This one is a bust for me.
The product itself is somewhat sticky to the touch. It didn't really define my curls as I prefer them and rather than moisturizing, my hair seemed dry after I used it. I only used this for a few wash and go styles (literally wash your hair, put in product, and leave the house), but I'm going to give it one more try for a twist out (where I partition my hair and put it into twists or braids overnight, then take it down in the morning) and I'll report back.
Any products out there you're loving lately?
Also let's talk about the spending freeze for January. Rather the spending freeze that wasn't. I feel off the wagon hard, treating Boomer for great behavior and grades at school, and treating myself. There were also a few eating out moments. I will say though that by using my YNAB app which I talked about in this post, I was able to stay in budget and not overspend. I was able to put away a little more into my emergency fund, and pay a little extra on my car note. So even though I definitely spent, I didn't over spend and I didn't lose sight of my goals. I'm going to try this again the next time the ladies host a link up and try to plan a little better!

Since my chemo, my hair came back CURLY! Nothing like your gorgeous curls, but being that I had poker straight hair, this is all so new to me. Please keep it up with the curly hair product reviews!
Also, do t feel bad about the spending freeze. It's not necessarily done just to save money, but to also make your more mindfull of spending. I can't imagine how hard it must be with kids, because you want to buy them ALL THE THINGS!
Thanks for linking up! I heart yooouuuuuuu
Being able to stock up on your emergency fund is crucial. I was just glad not to dip into my savings for once :)
You did well staying on budget and putting funds into an emergency fund. Both really important!
You gotta splurge sometimes! All that matters is you didn't go over budget. Props to you!
unfortunately, i don't take care of my hair and i should. because asian hair is actually pretty tough, i never pay attention to it. unless asian fry their hair with color or perms or constant heating tools, our hair is pretty much like teflon.
Vodka and Soda
good to know it doesn't work!!
I'm obsessed with coconut oil. It's my favorite hair mask by far!!!!! I mixed it with some honey not too long ago... it was AMAZING!
Putting money into an emergency fund and paying extra on your car sounds like a victory to me!
I finally invested in ultra definig curl gel from DevaCurl and it's done a great job of keeping my curls together without the crackly stiff texture.
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