It's no secret. This winter has been rough! So today, instead of simply complaining about the weather that is driving us all batty, I will give you some tips on how I deal with the inevitable dryness the winter brings to our life. (Especially for those of you used to a milder winter.)
1. Water.
Duh. As obvious as it sounds, when we're cold the last thing we are thinking about is water, but it is still just as important to drink as much as you can. For me, I know herbal tea helps me get my intake everyday. That way you're not over-caffeinated and you're warming yourself up with a nice hot drink. However you need to get it into your system, just make sure you drink up.
2. Exfoliate
Once the dry skin is there you've got to get rid of it. There are two ways I do this. The first is my dry brush.
I'm sure you've seen people around the blogosphere talking about the wonderful benefits of dry brushing. So you should definitely try it for that. It's also GREAT for getting rid of dead skin. The second way to rid yourself is of course a scrub. My absolute hands down favorite of all time is the Lush Ocean Salt scrub. Its amazing. I've written about it a few times. There are also some wonderful one's made by Bath and Body Works. The Orange Ginger is my favorite! If you're in a DIY mood there are plenty of recipes on pinterest using plain old sugar and oils around your home.
3. Don't be afraid of oils!
I received a vial of this, as a gift when I purchases my clarisonic.
After I wash and moisturize my face I put a few drops on top to help seal in moisture. Sometimes after I wash my face at night I'll put a layer of coconut oil on my face. When I wake up my skin feels so smooth and soft. I will say that I am prone to getting breakouts here and there from hormones and stress, and the oils don't negatively affect my skin at all. As always you should experiment to find what works best for you, but definitely try it out. Coconut oil is not just for your face. You can slather that coconut goodness all over your body. It's an amazing natural moisturizer.
I personally love to use it on my hair as a deep conditioner or just as a moisturizer. Of course I have curly 'ethnic' hair, so my straight haired readers will need to rinse it out. If you leave it in like I do, you'll end up a hot stringy mess.
4. Deep Condition
If coconut oil isn't your thing, then add some much needed moisture back to your hair with good old fashioned deep conditioner. My current favorite is this one!
Also a good leave in conditioner goes a long way!
5. No Poo....or Less Poo
Since it's been colder I've been using a cleansing conditioner. I use a clarifying shampoo once every few washes too because I'm still pretty attached to the clean feeling of lather, but once my clarifying poo is all gone I'm going to experiment with one with no sulfates.
6. Moisturize
This is another duh, but don't forget to moisturize. Put on your face moisturizer. Get some shea butter and slather your footsies up. (Then put on some socks to help lock it in.)
Keep some hand cream at your desk and put it on throughout the day. Grab some cuticle oil and put a few drops on your nails at night and give yourself a quick hand massage.
7. Don't overheat!
Don't use too much hot water. Limit your use of heat styling tools. The gentler you are on your body, face and hair, the better it will be able to weather...well, the weather.
These are my tips. Do you guys have any good ones?

i would also add increase your omega oil consumption - tablet or fish/avocados etc. not only does it hydrate you from the inside, it also helps with poopies. for real. shit slides right out (pun intended) haha!
i love me some argan oil. i use that shit on the regular, all day errday.
Vodka and Soda
Ahhh, I LOVE beauty posts! I'm def guilty of not drinking enough water and taking waaaaaay too hot showers! But, I am pretty good about moisturizing. I'm pretty sure we talked about it, but I use the Oil Cleansing Method to wash my face, ad I feel that's definitely helped immensely this winter!
I love love love the Vaseline Spray n go moisturizer. Easy peasy, and not messy! <3
Coconut oil is a godsend! It's pretty much the only thing I use for a deep conditioning treatment these days. Nothing is cheaper or works better in my opinion.
oooh I need to get myself a dry brush! I've been using coconut oil on my face as well and it's awesome. I've been feeling so dry lately and have been thinking of getting a humidifier for nighttime too, just to add a little more moisture into the air.
-- jackie - jade and oak
this is awesome! i have really been wanting to try the kate somerville stuff. also i have curly hair- how do you use the coconut stuff? what do you suggest!?
Great tips, thanks!
I use the same shampoo and conditioner! And this winter has been crazy on my skin...especially my face and lips thank you for the tips! im going to look for that coconut oil
Yeah to more water and less/no poo!
I've recently been dry brushing and I love it. Coconut oil is a gift from the gods. I rub it all over from my hair to my toes, and then (from another jar) spread it on warm bread or muffins.
This winter has been taking a number on my natural hair. I will be the first to admit that I haven't been doing the best job to maintain it with protective styles and the moisture it needs. I am getting better though!
Love all your tips on staying hydrated! This is so important, and I hate being soo dry this time of year!
I reeeeally want to start dry brushing...I've only heard good things about it!
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