I dunno...I'm weird like that.
So let's wrap up January's goals!
1. More water
This is a win. I've done a VERY good job with this lately. Yay. Go me.
2.Weekly Savings Goals
This is also a win. I'm totally on track although after reading an article about it...I'm considering going about it differently.
3. Read some non-fiction.
Umm...loss. For sure. I did read plenty o' fiction!
The Dream Theives by Maggie Stiefvater (Book2 of the Raven Boys Series)
- Not as good as the first book, but I'll still read the next one.
Allegiant by Veronica Roth (Book 3 of the Divergent series)
- Didn't I say don't do some Mockingjay stuff to me Veronica?!?!? This is how you end the series?!!?!?
4. Open Boomer's savings account.
WIN! We went to the bank and opened it up. We also sat with the banker and had a good age appropriate talk about the importance of savings, and how to manage our money. Yay!
3/4 ain't too shabby people. Not too shabby at all!
So, Goals for February.
Obviously I'm hoping that the saving, water, and reading habits from January and December will carry over. I think after two months they are officially habits.
1. Make healthier meal choices.
Basically I've been able to get away with eating whatever I want and not gaining large amounts of weight. Although today I looked down at my right foot and saw quite the collection of spider veins. So basically my body is saying...we might not make you fat, but your body is breaking down in other ways. So I need to get it together!
2. Involve Boomer in food prep.
I want her to start being a little more self sufficient, and I think helping me prepare meals and lunches will help her with that.
3. Exercise at least 2x per week.
This goes back to the spidery veins too. I sit at my desk ALL. DAY. LONG. I need to add in some activity. ASAP.
4. Make at least 1 phone call to out of town friends per week.
I'm woefully out of touch with my friends, which is ironic considering how much I talk about blogging friends. So I need to do better about this. Just a quick phone call reaching out and catching up.
What are your plans for February? I'd love to hear them!