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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Being Tested

Hey Lovelies!

So as my usual readers know this weekend Boomer and I moved into a new apartment.

That kind of things is stressful, add to that the separation and you have a recipe for an emotional meltdown.
Which definitely happened in a closet while eating a Reese's cup.

Then I actually got sick, which happens to me in times of high stress.

Then I was charged for two days of the rental trucks use for turning it in an hour late.

Then I realized that my phone was not downloading my new voicemails. So I checked them. The bank had called me several times.

Turns out there were fraudulent charges made on my account this weekend. 

Then my new apartment complex called to let me know that there was water leaking into the apartment below me.


I vented my frustrations to a a friend who said 'Maybe God is testing you.'

This friend isn't exactly a believer, so the comment was made in jest. It got me thinking however. So many times people say God is testing us. Or we call things acts of God. Its so easy to forget that God really only wants the best for us. There is someone else here who taunts and torments and wants bad things and he is not of God.

So I'm putting it in God's hands. I've informed the bank the charges were fraudulent and now all I can do is wait. When I got home I saw that nothing was flooded or damaged. So I'm going to take a deep breath, pray, and let God.


Whitney Ellen said...

Oh my goshhhhhh, girl. What the heck?! The universe needs to give you a BREAK! Both of us and our moving. I better stock up on some Reese's stat!

callie ;) said...

poor girl!! i moved this weekend too, and i had a meltdown on thursday night. mike kept saying, "what did i do?!" it was just hard! i'm sorry you had such a challenging weekend, but i love what you said in your last two paragraphs. sending hugs!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear you had all those stressful situations fall in your lap on top of moving and um hello being a Mother.

I am very glad to hear that your apartment was not flooded and the bank will take care of the charges {hopefully ASAP}. They say let go and let God. I think people say that?!

It sucks sucks sucks right now, but you are a strong woman. You WILL get through all these challenges and be better for going through them. You are such a fine example for Boomer.

I wish you the best of luck with the new place and I hope things slow down a bit for you.


Heather @ Cookies For Breakfast said...

Ugh - how horribly sucky! I'm so sorry that you have all that other crap happening, during an already difficult time. That's ridiculously unfair :( I am SURE things will start looking up soon.

Kym said...

Oh, poor Katy. I'm so sorry to hear about your string of bad luck. I'm glad to hear you have a positive attitude about it now, and I hope there'll be no more melt downs while eating peanut butter cups in a closet ;)
