Hey Lovelies!
I'm taking an unintentional holiday break from the blog.
I've been having so much fun with Boomer and the fam that I haven't even thought about writing here.
I'll be back after the New Year with lots of fun new things. As you can see there are some 'Coming Soon' attractions here on the blog and I'll update you when those are all completed too.
I hope everyone is having a happy and safe holiday season!
See you in 2013!

Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Weekend Update: There's a New Man in my Life
Linkin up for another weekend update with Sami!
Ok....so before I get to my new man friend, I will tell you about my weekend.
Saturday was the Holiday party at my company and it was EPIC. They decorate our buildings and have fun activities throughout. Boomer and I made snow, and went to elf training, met Santa, and stuffed bears. (One was for Boomer to keep and one was donated to the local children's hospital.)
JJ came a little later and we went to the photo booth and took some silly photos, made sugar scrubs, made more snow, and then went riding in a horse drawn sleigh. Complete with jingle bells. There were also lots of treats. Fried mac and cheese, corn dogs, cookies, and hot chocolate. (You could make your hot chocolate and 'adult' beverage in a separate area for the older peeps.)
Chatting with Santa about Bieber. |
Practicing her new skills in Elf Training |
Checking the temp of her freshly made snow....I love how ALL her pictures are blurry. She never sits still. |
Reindeer! |
Boomer had a really great time, so I was satisfied.
Ok....so....I'm in love guys. There is a new man in my life.
I know, I know. A lot of you are like 'Whitney....this is really sudden...' And that's true, it is sudden.
You know what they say though, when you know you know.
He's so sweet, and loves me and Boomer. He's affectionate and loving.
He moved in on Saturday.
I know you all think I'm nuts now. 'Whitney, you live in a one bedroom with your kiddo and you just let this new guy move in?!?!?!?!?'
I can feel the judgement coming through the screen right now.
Yeah. You. You're judging.
But I love him. And he loves me. And he loves Boomer.
And I know that you all want Boomer and I to be happy right?
His name is Jack.
He has the most beautiful green eyes that I could stare into forever, and he's so handsome.
And he just makes me so happy.
Blog.....meet Jack.
Love ya'll.
Friday, December 14, 2012
How Quickly Things Change
I was going to write a post today about how the noises in my office are driving me crazy.
Then before walking down to get lunch I heard the news of a school shooting. By the time I got back to my desk unconfirmed reports of the number of dead were trickling through out news feeds.
How quickly things change.
I distinctly remember arguing with my mother the morning of 9/11, and being so irritated when she dropped me off.
I remember sitting in a class room and watching as the second plane hit. I had school friends whose parents worked at the Pentagon, whose parents and family lived/worked/traveled in NYC.
In that moment, my 15 year old self just wanted my mommy.
I called and she came.
I spent the rest of that day and the next several after never straying to far from my mother and even sleeping in her room.
This morning I was annoyed with Boomer. She had done several naughty things, that she knew were against the rules or that would get her in trouble.
I walked her to the school building and instructed her to behave and have a good day at school. I then bent over, kissed her, said I love you and I'll see you this evening.
I watched her walk into the building and then I went on to work.
How many parents in Connecticut had a similar morning? How many were rushed, or had a tense morning, and now search for their children? How many had their last conversations with their children this morning?
Events like these shake us to our core, and make us question everything. Who does something like this? What motivates these actions? What can we do to stop these terrible things?
I don't have any answers obviously. When I pick Boomer up after work today, I will hug her and kiss her until she makes me stop. Sure, she will do something else to drive me crazy, but I'm her mommy. And right now I just want my baby.
Then before walking down to get lunch I heard the news of a school shooting. By the time I got back to my desk unconfirmed reports of the number of dead were trickling through out news feeds.
How quickly things change.
I distinctly remember arguing with my mother the morning of 9/11, and being so irritated when she dropped me off.
I remember sitting in a class room and watching as the second plane hit. I had school friends whose parents worked at the Pentagon, whose parents and family lived/worked/traveled in NYC.
In that moment, my 15 year old self just wanted my mommy.
I called and she came.
I spent the rest of that day and the next several after never straying to far from my mother and even sleeping in her room.
This morning I was annoyed with Boomer. She had done several naughty things, that she knew were against the rules or that would get her in trouble.
I walked her to the school building and instructed her to behave and have a good day at school. I then bent over, kissed her, said I love you and I'll see you this evening.
I watched her walk into the building and then I went on to work.
How many parents in Connecticut had a similar morning? How many were rushed, or had a tense morning, and now search for their children? How many had their last conversations with their children this morning?
Events like these shake us to our core, and make us question everything. Who does something like this? What motivates these actions? What can we do to stop these terrible things?
I don't have any answers obviously. When I pick Boomer up after work today, I will hug her and kiss her until she makes me stop. Sure, she will do something else to drive me crazy, but I'm her mommy. And right now I just want my baby.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Glamour and Opulence
Hey Lovelies!
A little different fare than the usual KGB posts...but its my blog, I do what I want.
When I first walked up to Beaton Gallery, it wasn't soft ambient music I heard, or the strains of classical greeting the guests. No. They were bumpin' hip-hop. This was less gallery showing, more party that happens to have paintings on the wall. The mix of show go-ers was equally fascinating. Hipsters, art students, Short North fixtures, and one bougie divorcée (moi of course).
Like many around Columbus, I 'knew' Ariana (the artist) before I ever knew her. She has her own fabulous blog, and I've seen her featured on many other local blogs as well. Ariana also happens to be friends with my best friend Mike who writes G4Mikey.com. We finally met officially, because she works at one of my favorite Short North Boutiques, Milk Bar. I did the creepy, 'Hey, aren't you @REDFOXINBOOTZ on twitter?', intro. Yes it was slightly stalker-esque, but Ariana didn't seem to mind.
Before heading to her senior thesis showing I read articles in Columbus Alive and the Other Paper, and I was intrigued by her interviews. This girl is smart, drawing parallels to the iconic status of Cowboys and Hip-Hop artists as well as the dichotomy of the 'haves' and 'have nots'. I was very excited to see how this would translate to her art. To say that the show did not disappoint would be an understatement. Seeing Ariana's thesis you get the sense of an artist truly coming into their own. She owns her aesthetic. She lives it; often tagging her own Instagram photos #hammy #glammy. In many ways the show, the gathering of friends and colleagues, family, and locals was almost a performance art extension of the artist and her work.
If you'd like to read the full Columbus Alive article click HERE.
To see the Other Paper write up click HERE.
Ariana has many other blogs singing her praises, g4Mikey.com (of course), and Here, and Here as well.
A little different fare than the usual KGB posts...but its my blog, I do what I want.
When I first walked up to Beaton Gallery, it wasn't soft ambient music I heard, or the strains of classical greeting the guests. No. They were bumpin' hip-hop. This was less gallery showing, more party that happens to have paintings on the wall. The mix of show go-ers was equally fascinating. Hipsters, art students, Short North fixtures, and one bougie divorcée (moi of course).
Like many around Columbus, I 'knew' Ariana (the artist) before I ever knew her. She has her own fabulous blog, and I've seen her featured on many other local blogs as well. Ariana also happens to be friends with my best friend Mike who writes G4Mikey.com. We finally met officially, because she works at one of my favorite Short North Boutiques, Milk Bar. I did the creepy, 'Hey, aren't you @REDFOXINBOOTZ on twitter?', intro. Yes it was slightly stalker-esque, but Ariana didn't seem to mind.
Before heading to her senior thesis showing I read articles in Columbus Alive and the Other Paper, and I was intrigued by her interviews. This girl is smart, drawing parallels to the iconic status of Cowboys and Hip-Hop artists as well as the dichotomy of the 'haves' and 'have nots'. I was very excited to see how this would translate to her art. To say that the show did not disappoint would be an understatement. Seeing Ariana's thesis you get the sense of an artist truly coming into their own. She owns her aesthetic. She lives it; often tagging her own Instagram photos #hammy #glammy. In many ways the show, the gathering of friends and colleagues, family, and locals was almost a performance art extension of the artist and her work.
'This isn't your First Rodeo' My personal favorite. |
'Hold your pretty little horses, I'll be there in a minute' |
'One for the Money, Two for the Show' |
To see the Other Paper write up click HERE.
Ariana has many other blogs singing her praises, g4Mikey.com (of course), and Here, and Here as well.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
What has Whitney been up to?
Hey lovelies!
So yeah I'm about two weeks late, but I'm going to catch you up on all the fun stuff that I've been up to so far this holiday season.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving we had a little high school reunion get together at a local pub/bar. I know I've mentioned before that my high school experience was a little unique. So this was open to all classes. And I do mean all....somehow a class of 2012-er ended up there. Smh. (Us 2003-ers were none to pleased, none too pleased I tell ya!)
I'm not going to lie. I spent about an hour getting ready. Yes a lot of these peeps I see all the time, but some I haven't seen in awhile and let's face it you want to impress. My shirt is from Express by the way and I LOVE it. Super comfy and a great color on just about everyone.
This here is almost exactly 1/4 of my graduating class. There were only 19 of us.
This was my elementary/middle school/and high school BFF Courtney. Yes Courtney and Whitney. We got confused a lot. And more than once our teachers tried to send us home with homework for our 'sister' if one of us was out sick. We are NOT related at all. We actually hadn't seen each other since Boomer's baby shower so it was GREAT to catch up.
This hot lil mama is Tiffany. Love her. Even if she was three years behind me in school and totally dated my ex! She's a fabulous dancer/choreographer and mommy to the CUTEST little boy. Her hip hop class is the truth if any C-bus ladies are looking for a good/fun workout.
Then there was Thanksgiving day. I woke up (without a hangover THANK GOD), and got to cooking. Boomer decided she wanted to help me so mom dropped her off from their sleepover. (Boomer 'helping' by the way equals watching TV and tasting.)
After everything was cooked and packed. We drove across the street to Momma Boom's house to find THIS!!!!
My Mommy is fancy ya'll. Fresh flowers, and my great-grandmother's china. Fancy.
I actually didn't get any pictures of my glorious food, because as soon as it hit my plate I inhaled it. Good thing I wore leggings!
JJ actually joined the family for dinner which was nice for Boomer. And he took this gem.
I don't care you who you are....that is funny.
BTW I'm giving away some goodies along with some other fab ladies HERE today. So hurry. Go enter!
So yeah I'm about two weeks late, but I'm going to catch you up on all the fun stuff that I've been up to so far this holiday season.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving we had a little high school reunion get together at a local pub/bar. I know I've mentioned before that my high school experience was a little unique. So this was open to all classes. And I do mean all....somehow a class of 2012-er ended up there. Smh. (Us 2003-ers were none to pleased, none too pleased I tell ya!)
My hair and makeup before I went! |
This hot lil mama is Tiffany. Love her. Even if she was three years behind me in school and totally dated my ex! She's a fabulous dancer/choreographer and mommy to the CUTEST little boy. Her hip hop class is the truth if any C-bus ladies are looking for a good/fun workout.
Then there was Thanksgiving day. I woke up (without a hangover THANK GOD), and got to cooking. Boomer decided she wanted to help me so mom dropped her off from their sleepover. (Boomer 'helping' by the way equals watching TV and tasting.)
After everything was cooked and packed. We drove across the street to Momma Boom's house to find THIS!!!!
My Mommy is fancy ya'll. Fresh flowers, and my great-grandmother's china. Fancy.
I actually didn't get any pictures of my glorious food, because as soon as it hit my plate I inhaled it. Good thing I wore leggings!
JJ actually joined the family for dinner which was nice for Boomer. And he took this gem.
BTW I'm giving away some goodies along with some other fab ladies HERE today. So hurry. Go enter!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Mommy Confessions: Sh*t Boomer says and Does
Hello Lovelies!
Yep....I'se been a baaaad blogger.
I can't help it. Between work, and the overall insanity that is the holiday's, I just don't have the energy or patience to even think about blogging.
But I'm going to do better.....I think.
So over the past few weeks Boomer has presented me with a few gems I thought I's share.
We are a musical family. We sing, we dance, we listen to, and play and create music.
One of our favorite new songs to jam out to is this one
(Ok Ne-yo....I really love your music, but that has got to be the LOOOOOONGEST title for a song.)
Anyway we're jamming out to the music video while I was doing Boomer's hair for school. Ne-yo is soulfully crooning the chorus which goes something like this....
'....Girl let me love you, and I will love you, until you learn, to love yourself....'
And Boomer turns to me and says:
Boomer: 'Mommy, that silly. I already love myself, so I don't need him too. Yeah that's silly.'
Let's just hope all that awesome self loves makes it through middle school, high school, and college.
Then there was this....if you follow me on instagram chances are you saw what my sweet lil Boomer did to her Christmas tree.
'It looks like snow Momma!'
Yep....baby powder as snow.
Can't really be upset because its creative....and smells good.
See ya'll tomorrow with a post to catch everyone up with what I've been up to. Because you're all so concerned.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Mommy Has Road Rage Issues
Hey Lovelies!
I hope everyone had an AWESOME holiday. I had a pretty lazy one and I will fill you in on all the deets....just not today.
Today I am linking up with Heather and Megan and confessing that when I drive I am like crazy Hulk lady. Its awful.
I'm going to get shot one day I swear....because I just get soooooooo angry with people.
And I am very vocal. My hand gestures are kept to a minimum because like I said I'm afraid I'll get shot, but booooy do I mouth off.
For example....this one time I was driving back from Tennessee (ALONE) and this guy was tailgating me. ON AN OPEN ROAD. So I brake checked him. Hard. All while cursing and throwing my hands up in the air.
He then sped off away from me. I drive on cruise control on long trips, and so not 30 minutes later I pull up behind tailgater in heavier traffic....so I return the tailgating favor...then sped to get around him and smiled as I passed. (I may have waved......) MISTAKE. Dude followed me for the next hour.(No matter how fast or slow I went) He even got off the same exit as me. I ran into Cracker Barrel cuz nothing says safety like the Country Store in the middle of nowhere Kentucky. Did I mention that he was a Gators fan and I was CLEARLY wearing my OSU gear.....
The point of this confession is that I TRY...I mean really try to contain myself when Boomer is in the car with me. I come up with very creative ways of cussing people. Example:
Me: (While merging with traffic) OMG!!! Watch where you're going!
Boomer: Mommy....woo-sah.....
Me: (Talking to Momma Boom) Seriously? Did these fools pay for the drivers ed?
Boomer: (In a horrified voice) You talk to your mommy like that?
.....so I had to explain that no, I was not calling Momma Boom a dinkle-fink, but rather the idiot woman that ignored the yield sign. And yes my daughter tells me to woo-sah while driving. I also have her convinced that I am the best driver in Columbus and everyone else just should get off the road.
I hope everyone had an AWESOME holiday. I had a pretty lazy one and I will fill you in on all the deets....just not today.
Today I am linking up with Heather and Megan and confessing that when I drive I am like crazy Hulk lady. Its awful.
I'm going to get shot one day I swear....because I just get soooooooo angry with people.
And I am very vocal. My hand gestures are kept to a minimum because like I said I'm afraid I'll get shot, but booooy do I mouth off.
For example....this one time I was driving back from Tennessee (ALONE) and this guy was tailgating me. ON AN OPEN ROAD. So I brake checked him. Hard. All while cursing and throwing my hands up in the air.
He then sped off away from me. I drive on cruise control on long trips, and so not 30 minutes later I pull up behind tailgater in heavier traffic....so I return the tailgating favor...then sped to get around him and smiled as I passed. (I may have waved......) MISTAKE. Dude followed me for the next hour.(No matter how fast or slow I went) He even got off the same exit as me. I ran into Cracker Barrel cuz nothing says safety like the Country Store in the middle of nowhere Kentucky. Did I mention that he was a Gators fan and I was CLEARLY wearing my OSU gear.....
The point of this confession is that I TRY...I mean really try to contain myself when Boomer is in the car with me. I come up with very creative ways of cussing people. Example:
Me: (While merging with traffic) OMG!!! Watch where you're going!
Boomer: Mommy....woo-sah.....
Me: (Talking to Momma Boom) Seriously? Did these fools pay for the drivers ed?
Boomer: (In a horrified voice) You talk to your mommy like that?
.....so I had to explain that no, I was not calling Momma Boom a dinkle-fink, but rather the idiot woman that ignored the yield sign. And yes my daughter tells me to woo-sah while driving. I also have her convinced that I am the best driver in Columbus and everyone else just should get off the road.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Holiday Crazies....and Being Thankful
Hi Lovelies!
So I'm totally MIA in blog world this week. Sorry....some of you know I work in corporate retail and well....this is one of the busiest weeks of the year for us. Plus I work in e-commerce so its Black Friday and Cyber Monday craziness for me!
I just wanted to share a quick story with you all:
Last night I stopped into Kroger with Boomer to get things for Thanksgiving dinner (yes y'all...I'm cooking the whole she-bang). When we got into line to check out I noticed the mom two spots ahead. She was wearing slightly tattered clothes, and the kids in her cart were both so ready to leave. I realized she didn't have enough to pay for everything she had and was trying to decide what she could do without. The items she had purchased weren't extras for a Thanksgiving feast. We're talking milk, eggs, and bread. The woman in front of me didn't say a word but handed the cashier some cash for the woman's items. The look on her face was utter shock. She thanked the woman over and over, and the woman in front of me shrugged and simply said 'Pay it forward.'
I know its totally cliche to talk about what we're thankful for around this time of year....but watching that exchange really made me think. Boomer and I don't have it easy, but we have. We have a tiny one bedroom apartment, but we have a warm place to sleep every night. I have a working car. I have a job. We don't always eat out, but we always eat. We don't have all the clothes that we want, but we leave the house looking put together everyday. Boomer might not have all the toys in every commercial, but she has fun things and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is loved.
So I'm thankful.
So I'm totally MIA in blog world this week. Sorry....some of you know I work in corporate retail and well....this is one of the busiest weeks of the year for us. Plus I work in e-commerce so its Black Friday and Cyber Monday craziness for me!
I just wanted to share a quick story with you all:
Last night I stopped into Kroger with Boomer to get things for Thanksgiving dinner (yes y'all...I'm cooking the whole she-bang). When we got into line to check out I noticed the mom two spots ahead. She was wearing slightly tattered clothes, and the kids in her cart were both so ready to leave. I realized she didn't have enough to pay for everything she had and was trying to decide what she could do without. The items she had purchased weren't extras for a Thanksgiving feast. We're talking milk, eggs, and bread. The woman in front of me didn't say a word but handed the cashier some cash for the woman's items. The look on her face was utter shock. She thanked the woman over and over, and the woman in front of me shrugged and simply said 'Pay it forward.'
I know its totally cliche to talk about what we're thankful for around this time of year....but watching that exchange really made me think. Boomer and I don't have it easy, but we have. We have a tiny one bedroom apartment, but we have a warm place to sleep every night. I have a working car. I have a job. We don't always eat out, but we always eat. We don't have all the clothes that we want, but we leave the house looking put together everyday. Boomer might not have all the toys in every commercial, but she has fun things and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is loved.
So I'm thankful.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
On Drive and Ambition
Hello lovelies!
It's not often that I come to life realizations while watching Bravo. Well let's get real. It never happens.
Saturday though I was being super lazy on my couch and Start Ups- Silicon Valley was on. I started watching and one of the characters (The blonde British chic), was talking about how she worked her butt off to get where she is, but isn't where she wants to be yet. I don't know why this resonated with me so much.....
At the end of my time at Ohio State University I worked my butt of to get into my field. I stalked recruiters (I mean I was sending emails out daily), I sent my resume out all the time, I took a sales associate job just to get my foot in ANY door. And it totally paid off. I got the position I have now and I feel SOOOOO blessed.
Lately though with everything that's been going on in my personal life I feel like I've lost my drive. I'm not at all where I want to be. Even with my blog, I get to the end of my day and I have this massive overwhelming relief that I made it without a mental breakdown. I just don't have that ambition right now and I want it back.
I want my drive back. I want goals. I want to learn more about the business I work in because I want to my career to grow and progress. I want to get better at this blog, I want to reach people and grow and be even more a part of this great community that is out there. There are so many things I'm drawn too and I'm interested in, and isn't this the best time to reinvent myself and reinvigorate my life anyway?
Well if you made it through that crazy stream of consciousness thanks. Here's to me....moving forward with a new drive.
Oh by the way....Lindsay has planned a blogger meetup this Saturday! Are my Columbus peeps coming? You should RSVP HERE if you are. Can't wait to see you all this weekend!
It's not often that I come to life realizations while watching Bravo. Well let's get real. It never happens.
Saturday though I was being super lazy on my couch and Start Ups- Silicon Valley was on. I started watching and one of the characters (The blonde British chic), was talking about how she worked her butt off to get where she is, but isn't where she wants to be yet. I don't know why this resonated with me so much.....
![]() |
The blondie in the middle.... Image Via |
At the end of my time at Ohio State University I worked my butt of to get into my field. I stalked recruiters (I mean I was sending emails out daily), I sent my resume out all the time, I took a sales associate job just to get my foot in ANY door. And it totally paid off. I got the position I have now and I feel SOOOOO blessed.
Lately though with everything that's been going on in my personal life I feel like I've lost my drive. I'm not at all where I want to be. Even with my blog, I get to the end of my day and I have this massive overwhelming relief that I made it without a mental breakdown. I just don't have that ambition right now and I want it back.
I want my drive back. I want goals. I want to learn more about the business I work in because I want to my career to grow and progress. I want to get better at this blog, I want to reach people and grow and be even more a part of this great community that is out there. There are so many things I'm drawn too and I'm interested in, and isn't this the best time to reinvent myself and reinvigorate my life anyway?
Well if you made it through that crazy stream of consciousness thanks. Here's to me....moving forward with a new drive.
Oh by the way....Lindsay has planned a blogger meetup this Saturday! Are my Columbus peeps coming? You should RSVP HERE if you are. Can't wait to see you all this weekend!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
MMM vol 17: Deep Red Nails, and Half Naked Men
Hey Lovelies!
Today's MMM is brought to you by Shawna who blogs over at Doe Loves Buck. She made a comment that she was excited to use darker reds moving into fall. Now my collection is severely lacking in red polishes of any sort. I think I have one....so I need to fix that. However Momma Boom is the QUEEN of red polishes, and she had one in particular that I knew would be perfect. So I went across the street and around the corner and asked to borrow this beauty.
I've never used L'Oreal's polishes before. I really liked the formula and the brush. This polish also lasts pretty well. This is the second time I did this manicure. I used the OPI base coat and my trusty Seche Vite top coat and the first mani lasted a solid week. (I forgot to get a picture which is why I'm repeating this week.) The picture above is obviously in direct sunlight, but when you're indoors it is a deep deep vampy red.
Onto the movie.
So I tweeted that I was watching Magic Mike and Shawna tweeted me back about it.
We both came to the same conclusions...while I love all the actors in this movie (Except Alex Pettyfer), this movie just didn't do it for me. I'm no prude( like, at all), but something about male strippers just makes me hella uncomfortable..... I may or may not have covered my face with a blanket a few times. The 'storyline' of the movie. I mean.... what exactly was the point. Watching the characters interact with each other....was painful sometimes. I get where the filmmakers were going in that they tried to make the relationships 'real', but this is definitely not one of those watch again and again movies.
So I won't be spending money on the sequel that they say is coming, but I don't feel awful about the $1.30 I spent at redbox.
So that's MMM for the week. Thanks Shawna for the inspiration and the conversation!
P.S. Thanks to everyone for all the sweet comments on yesterday's post. I was having A DAY when I wrote that, but your sweet words just filled me up with happy yesterday so THANK YOU....and Anonymous can you PLEASE start writing a blog already. You'd be AWESOME!
Today's MMM is brought to you by Shawna who blogs over at Doe Loves Buck. She made a comment that she was excited to use darker reds moving into fall. Now my collection is severely lacking in red polishes of any sort. I think I have one....so I need to fix that. However Momma Boom is the QUEEN of red polishes, and she had one in particular that I knew would be perfect. So I went across the street and around the corner and asked to borrow this beauty.
L'Oreal Haute Couture Red |
I've never used L'Oreal's polishes before. I really liked the formula and the brush. This polish also lasts pretty well. This is the second time I did this manicure. I used the OPI base coat and my trusty Seche Vite top coat and the first mani lasted a solid week. (I forgot to get a picture which is why I'm repeating this week.) The picture above is obviously in direct sunlight, but when you're indoors it is a deep deep vampy red.
Onto the movie.
So I tweeted that I was watching Magic Mike and Shawna tweeted me back about it.
We both came to the same conclusions...while I love all the actors in this movie (Except Alex Pettyfer), this movie just didn't do it for me. I'm no prude( like, at all), but something about male strippers just makes me hella uncomfortable..... I may or may not have covered my face with a blanket a few times. The 'storyline' of the movie. I mean.... what exactly was the point. Watching the characters interact with each other....was painful sometimes. I get where the filmmakers were going in that they tried to make the relationships 'real', but this is definitely not one of those watch again and again movies.
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Just......because. Image Via |
So I won't be spending money on the sequel that they say is coming, but I don't feel awful about the $1.30 I spent at redbox.
So that's MMM for the week. Thanks Shawna for the inspiration and the conversation!
P.S. Thanks to everyone for all the sweet comments on yesterday's post. I was having A DAY when I wrote that, but your sweet words just filled me up with happy yesterday so THANK YOU....and Anonymous can you PLEASE start writing a blog already. You'd be AWESOME!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Confessions of a Mommy : Being a Mommy is Hard
Hi Lovelies!
So the past two weeks I've linked up with funny stories about the love of my life Boomer.
This week, I had something a little more serious weighing on my mind.
I'm sure you looked at my post title and though 'Yeah Duh Whitney. Of course being a mommy is hard!'
When Boomer came into my life I was 20 years old.
On my 21st birthday I was nursing a baby under a blanket at Cheesecake Factory.
While the rest of my friends were living abroad, and looking at graduate schools, I was struggling with online classes and a new born.
When my friends were going out to parties, meeting new people, and making drunken mistakes, I was at home giving baths, feeding solids, and getting really excited about things like Boomer being able to hold her own head up.
Being a mommy is hard. For me it has been hard. I didn't graduate with my undergrad degree until I was 26. Some of my friends have their PhDs right now. Its hard not to feel like not only did I screw up my own life, but sometimes I wonder if I'm screwing her up too.
My friends all see if differently oddly enough. They tell me how lucky I am that I have my family. How I'm such a strong person and cool mom. Which is nice to hear. But being a mommy is still hard.
I don't ever resent Boomer. How could I? She's amazing and she didn't force herself on me. I made choices that brought her into this world, and she is the most AMAZING, WONDERFUL, PERFECT thing in my life.
But it's still hard. Right now its crazy hard. I was the exact same age as Boomer when my parents got divorced. I sat her down on the exact same bed my mother sat me down on. I told her the same exact thing my mom told me. Now I have to arrange for her to 'talk to someone', hell I need to 'talk to someone'......
So that's my confession. Everyday comes with it's own set of challenges, and being a mommy is hard.
P.S. Even though Momma Boom RARELY reads this ol blog....I appreciate her so much more now that I am a mommy. She moved across the country on her own with a six year old. (Heck I just moved down the street.) She sent me to great schools, provided me with great opportunities from voice lessons, to dance, to trips ect. She pursued (and GOT) advanced degrees (Yeah my mommy is super smart.) All while battling serious health problems, helping her own elderly mommy, and then supporting me and Boomer. If I turn out to be even half the woman that my mommy is, I think I'll be ok.
I'm sure you looked at my post title and though 'Yeah Duh Whitney. Of course being a mommy is hard!'
When Boomer came into my life I was 20 years old.
On my 21st birthday I was nursing a baby under a blanket at Cheesecake Factory.
While the rest of my friends were living abroad, and looking at graduate schools, I was struggling with online classes and a new born.
When my friends were going out to parties, meeting new people, and making drunken mistakes, I was at home giving baths, feeding solids, and getting really excited about things like Boomer being able to hold her own head up.
Being a mommy is hard. For me it has been hard. I didn't graduate with my undergrad degree until I was 26. Some of my friends have their PhDs right now. Its hard not to feel like not only did I screw up my own life, but sometimes I wonder if I'm screwing her up too.
My friends all see if differently oddly enough. They tell me how lucky I am that I have my family. How I'm such a strong person and cool mom. Which is nice to hear. But being a mommy is still hard.
I don't ever resent Boomer. How could I? She's amazing and she didn't force herself on me. I made choices that brought her into this world, and she is the most AMAZING, WONDERFUL, PERFECT thing in my life.
But it's still hard. Right now its crazy hard. I was the exact same age as Boomer when my parents got divorced. I sat her down on the exact same bed my mother sat me down on. I told her the same exact thing my mom told me. Now I have to arrange for her to 'talk to someone', hell I need to 'talk to someone'......
So that's my confession. Everyday comes with it's own set of challenges, and being a mommy is hard.
P.S. Even though Momma Boom RARELY reads this ol blog....I appreciate her so much more now that I am a mommy. She moved across the country on her own with a six year old. (Heck I just moved down the street.) She sent me to great schools, provided me with great opportunities from voice lessons, to dance, to trips ect. She pursued (and GOT) advanced degrees (Yeah my mommy is super smart.) All while battling serious health problems, helping her own elderly mommy, and then supporting me and Boomer. If I turn out to be even half the woman that my mommy is, I think I'll be ok.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Confessions of a Mommy: Sh*t Boomer Says
Hey Lovelies!
I'm linking up with Heather and Megan again for another Mommy Confessions.
This week I'd just like to share a few gems from the mouth of Boomer.
*While curling her hair for picture day*
Boomer: Mommy don't burn my brain!!!
Me: I can't baby. Your brain is covered by your skull which is covered by skin, so if I burn anything it'll be that, but I have my hand between the curling iron and you.
Boomer: Does your brain have a heart?
Me: o_0 ....Ummm....it has like the heart in your chest.
Boomer: Oh...
Me: Do you mean like a soul?
Boomer: Yeah a soul!
Me: Well your brain is your soul I guess. Its where all your thoughts and feelings come from.
Boomer: Mommy everyone knows your soul looks like a pickle. Or a cucumber which is like the cousin of a pickle.
I had no words after that. Literally none. Just tried to keep from dying of laughter and also to not burn anyone.
After I finished her hair I snapped this picture of her being silly:
Sorry it's blurry but that kid never sits still. (I'm so in love with her vest!) Anyway as soon as I snapped the picture she asked me:
Boomer: Mommy I totally looked like a fashion blogger right?
Me: o_0
Me: Uh yes I guess so.
Boomer: Put this picture up on your blog. Can I start a blog?
Me: NO!
*While getting ready this morning*
Boomer: Mommy you're so pretty.
Me: Thank you baby girl. You are very pretty too.
Boomer: Mommy who is prettier? Me or you?
Me: I think you're prettier.
Boomer: Mommy I think you're smokin'! (Which she pronounced Smoke-ann) You're like so cute that all the boys in the city want to take you out!
Me: Ummm....thank you. Please don't say anything like that in front of your Mimi. (My mother)
Boomer: Oh no I wouldn't. Mimi doesn't like stuff like that. But Momma, she's kinda smokin too.
There you have it. Clearly my daughter is....quite a character.
I'm linking up with Heather and Megan again for another Mommy Confessions.
This week I'd just like to share a few gems from the mouth of Boomer.
*While curling her hair for picture day*
Boomer: Mommy don't burn my brain!!!
Me: I can't baby. Your brain is covered by your skull which is covered by skin, so if I burn anything it'll be that, but I have my hand between the curling iron and you.
Boomer: Does your brain have a heart?
Me: o_0 ....Ummm....it has like the heart in your chest.
Boomer: Oh...
Me: Do you mean like a soul?
Boomer: Yeah a soul!
Me: Well your brain is your soul I guess. Its where all your thoughts and feelings come from.
Boomer: Mommy everyone knows your soul looks like a pickle. Or a cucumber which is like the cousin of a pickle.
I had no words after that. Literally none. Just tried to keep from dying of laughter and also to not burn anyone.
After I finished her hair I snapped this picture of her being silly:
Sorry it's blurry but that kid never sits still. (I'm so in love with her vest!) Anyway as soon as I snapped the picture she asked me:
Boomer: Mommy I totally looked like a fashion blogger right?
Me: o_0
Me: Uh yes I guess so.
Boomer: Put this picture up on your blog. Can I start a blog?
Me: NO!
*While getting ready this morning*
Boomer: Mommy you're so pretty.
Me: Thank you baby girl. You are very pretty too.
Boomer: Mommy who is prettier? Me or you?
Me: I think you're prettier.
Boomer: Mommy I think you're smokin'! (Which she pronounced Smoke-ann) You're like so cute that all the boys in the city want to take you out!
Me: Ummm....thank you. Please don't say anything like that in front of your Mimi. (My mother)
Boomer: Oh no I wouldn't. Mimi doesn't like stuff like that. But Momma, she's kinda smokin too.
There you have it. Clearly my daughter is....quite a character.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
MMM vol 16: Skull Nails
Hey Lovelies!
Happy Halloween!
As promised here is the last Halloween Mani for the month!
I used OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, and China Glaze Liquid Leather, and my Art Duo Pen from last week for the details.
There are several tutorials all over the web for getting this kind of look, but the one most similar to what I did can be found HERE. When you go to that website there is a link for a you tube video with step by step instructions. I decided just to do one accent skull on each hand, as 10 skulls was just a bit much for me. And word of advice: make sure your nail art is set BEFORE you do your top coat or you will end up with messy smears. No bueno.
My last classic Halloween movie pic is.....
Halloweentown is such a fun cheesy Halloween movie....I'm debating between this and Hocus Pocus for tonight. Poor Boomer has a cold and with 36 degree weather and rain from our friend Sandy, I just don't feel comfortable taking her Trick or Treating this year. So we're going to have a girls night in, with makeovers, nails, hot drinks, and maybe a little sweet treat or two.
Hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!
P.S. Are there any manis or nail polish combos you would like to see for November? Shoot me an email or comment and let me know.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Confessions of a Mommy: That time I lied
Hello Lovelies!
Lot's of new faces over in my GFC, so please introduce yourself and your blog if you have one!
Today I'm linking up with my blog buddy Heather who writes Cookies For Breakfast. She and I swap parenting stories in our comments, tweets, and emails and today she and Memoirs of Megan are hosting their first Mommy Confessions link up and blog hop.
I've written a few other Confessions of a Mommy posts which you can check out by clicking on the label at the end of this post, but I'm very excited to link up with all the other mom's and see their stories too. (BTW, Heather and Megan have opened this up to included mommies of fur babies too, so don't feel left out if you don't have a human kiddo.)
Ok so I confess.....I'm a liar.
It's bad so very very bad. I want to be one of those parents that is always honest with their child, but this week I totally slipped up.
Boomer lost another tooth last week at school. They gave her this nifty tooth shaped container and put it on a string for her to keep. She was SO excited. She also made it a point to inform me it was my fault. See we've been having some teeth brushing issues in the Boom household, so that morning I inspected her mouth and was less than satisfied with the job she did and brushed her teeth again myself. Apparently because I was 'mean to her mouth', I made her tooth come out. Uh...ok then.
So back to the lie.
That night Boomer went to sleep with her tooth. With the move and everything else going on I was exhausted and passed out not to long after she did.
When she woke up the next morning the first words out of her mouth were 'Momma the Tooth Fairy didn't come!'
Scrambling for an answer in my half asleep state I noticed Boomer was still WEARING the tooth necklace.
'Baby the tooth fairy only comes if it's under your pillow so we'll have to try again tomorrow ok?'
'Ok mommy.'
Boomer promptly took it off and left it under her pillow.
The next night she goes to bed and once again I pass out.
'Momma. the Tooth Fairy didn't come again!'
*Shit shit shit!*
Once again scrambling for an answer I couldn't even stop the words coming out of my mouth.
'You know what baby? Mommy forgot to tell the Tooth Fairy that we moved! I will talk to her today and let her know. I'm so sorry kiddo.'
'Ok mommy, don't forget to tell her.'
When I picked Boomer up from school she asked again if I remembered. I told her yes I told the Fairy where we had moved to. Then we went home had dinner and went to bed.
Then I realized I didn't have any change or cash. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.
I searched the WHOLE apartment and finally came up with a lone dollar bill.
I placed it under Boomer's pillow and filched the tooth and hid it in a shoe box.
The next morning Boomer was full of all kinds of questions. How do I know the Tooth Fairy? When did I tell her about the move? What does she look like? Is she nice?
So alas the lies just kept flowing. And I feel guilty and horrible.
But Boomer's pretty happy with her dollar.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
MMM vol 15 : Spider Web Nails
Hello Lovlies!
And a special Hi to my new followers. Please introduce yourselves and your blog if you have one. I'd love to check it out!
So its time for another Halloween Mani.
This week I only used China Glaze Liquid Leather, Color Club Art Club Nail Art Duo Pen in Black, and Seche Vite. (So basically black and clear!)
And this is what I came up with.
Sorry no step by step pictures this week, I sort of just threw this together while I watched TV. But its pretty simple. Paint black tips on your nails over a clear base coat. Then using either the pen tip or the paint tip, on whichever nail you chose three diagonal lines.
The top is the brush tip, the bottom shows the pen. |
Then connect each of the lines. Make a drop of either top coat, or nail glue on your chosen nail. Take a small black gemstone (or simply make a dot with your polish), and then add legs. There is your spider. Then do a clear coat on top. Voila.
This manicure isn't that difficult and would be a lot of fun with a pop of color or even over a white base. Or an inverse of white webs over a black base. The possibilities with color combinations is kind of endless.
I decided to rent the last two Harry Potter movies. They seemed Halloween-ie.
And then I watched them and cried my eyes out. Like what in the world. Why was it so sad?
Confession I never finished the series of books, I was never really able to get into them, so I didn't even know what was coming in the movie. Boomer was not very understanding of my crying...."umm....mom should I call you mommy for you?"
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Happy Tuesday?
Hey Lovelies!
I couldn't think of anything more compelling or creative than happy Tuesday. Sorry.
Today I am featured on this lovely ladies blog.
It's Lauren from Pink on The Cheek!
She offered a few awesome twitter followers the chance to have ad spots for freesies on her blog this week. You guys know I stalk my twitter like my life depends on it so I jumped at the opportunity and appreciate it so much. She provided us with some very cool questions to answer about our childhood years.
So you should totally check it out!!!!
I'll be back tomorrow with this weeks Halloween Mani. I actually really like this one and it's so simple.
P.S. If you're here because you saw Lauren's feature on me today you should check out THIS
post that provides all sorts of cool links where you can learn more
about me and my adventures with Boomer (My daughter). Happy Reading.
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Weekend Update Vol 4
Hey Lovelies!
So it's time for another weekend update!
Hope you guys had a great weekend. I did!
It was a crazy busy whirlwind though....
Of course we're still unpacking and settling in, and Friday night I had choir rehearsal for church. (I LOVE to sing, and Boomer comes along and Momma Boom is a member as well.)
Saturday was my Grandmother's 98th Birthday!!!!!
My mom ordered cupcakes from a local bakery in Worthington called Mrs. Goodman's. She has gotten me birthday cakes from there in the past as well. SO YUMMY. So Momma Boom, Boomer and I all went to visit My Grandma and bring her birthday cheer. If you'd like a little more perspective on the cool things that have transpired in my Grandmother's lifetime you should read THIS.
Saturday night I attended at very cool Casino Royale themed Halloween Party. There were casino games to play, and people were dressed up as everything from the King and Queen of Hearts to Cirque du Solei performers. I myself was a femme fatale. I wore my senior prom dress and donned some killer fake lashes, a bold red lip and an awesome cigarette holder.
The back of my dress..... |
The kissy face...yeah I don't know. Sorry guys. |
It all came out very Jessica Rabbit-esque.....which I was fine with. How often are you able to get this dolled up?
I leave you with a pic of Boomer and I on our way to school and work this morning. Like mother like daughter right?
So how was your weekend ?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
MMM vol 14: Jack-O-Lantern Nails
Hey Lovelies!
Today I bring your another Halloween manicure! Its Jack-O-Lantern time!
This week Boomer decided to get in on the mani action with momma.
For this I used Color Club Sparkle and Soar (again, its just such a perfect Halloween orange), China Glaze Liquid Leather, some tape, and Seche Vite.
First you paint your nails orange....duh.
Then you go in and give yourself black french tips on all nails except your thumbs.
*whoops no picture...sorry*
Use your black polish, and paint two to three coats on some scotch tape.
Cut our triangles for eyes....and any shape you wish for the mouth.
Ta da!!!!! Jack-O-Lanterns!
* full disclosure: This isn't my favorite mani ever.....I like the Jack-O-Lantern on Leila, but I would have been happy with a black and orange mani on myself.*
So...onto the movie!
Well...movies this time.
In the spirit of Halloween I went into the Horror section of Netflix. I'm not sure why because scary movies and I don't get along. I didn't sleep for almost 72 hours after watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was reeeeeally bad.
So I saw Piranha and Shark Night and thought...well how scary can they be?
So...were these movies supposed to be comedies? Because I wasn't really scared in the least. I laughed about 75% of the way through both movies. I mean I didn't want to be terrified....but I don't think I was supposed to giggle.
Oh well there's always next week!
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