So this week I decided to participate in Elaine's rule breaking link up. Stripes on stripes are pretty easy for me, just because stripes are appealing. So without further ado here is the outfit.
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Sweater: Banana Republic Top, Jeans, Belt: Express Purse: Brahmin (gift) |
Hamsa Earrings: Karavan (Short Noth) Shoes: Express
I look kind of mean in all of these pictures. Not because I am mean, mostly because I was looking into the sun, and I was running late to work. Elaine should be proud of my modest styling skills. I usually consider myself pretty modest. Because of my religious up bringing you will never see me in a halter top and booty shorts. Halter top and jeans maybe...but no booty shorts. I didn't even wear shorts between the ages of 10 and 25 but that's a whole other post. Anyway the point of this ramble is that the shirt I'm wearing is actually a dress. I'm kind of tiny up top so I purchased this in an XS...then I washed it and we were in street walker territory. So I threw on some jeggings and I was safe! You guys can hop on over to Elaine's blog and like your favorite outfit.
Awkward &Awesome
So I've not participated in and A&A Thursday before, but I've had such gems happen to me this week I had to share.
- Going into the bathroom in Smith Laboratory and seeing an open stall (Yay!! Never happens after class which makes me miss the bus). So I proceed to open the stall to find older lady mid squat telling me 'Someone is in here!' Yes I see that now lady, but wouldn't it have been easier to...I don't know...LOCK THE DOOR!
-The guy that sits in my class and snorts and then audibly swallows his mucus....EVERYDAY. Everyone sort of nervously looks around at each other and the professor, but he just keeps on 'a snortin'. Did I mention that somehow I've had class with this guy for three quarters in a row now. Yummy.
-Reaching into the feminine trashcan at the same time as the person in the stall next to you. Nuff said.
-Knocking loudly on the men's fitting room door, waiting, and then unlocking it to find a man half dressed pulling up his pants. This happens to me at least once every shift. Men just don't answer.
-Making the appointment with my advisor to fill out my petition to graduate. Its really gonna happen ya'll!!!!
- Telling Boomer that I was stressed out and sad, and getting the biggest hug and hearing 'Mommy, you'll be ok. You're the best Mom in the world.'
- My mom getting a smart phone and sending me her very first text. And now receiving strangely abbreviated messages at least once a day. (Love you Momma Boom)
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